Stress because of the war and my inborn health issues also didn't become better during this time. During blackouts, not only basic things like shower or cooking are not available for me, but I also can't work - work to bring you new content. My last blackout lasted almost 3 days - 3 days without electricity, water and heating at winter.

It launches dozens of missiles not at our military bases, but at critical energy infrastructure. While the world now knows: the victory of Ukraine is only a matter of time, the terrorist state of russia, in denial of this, resorted to thing it does best - terrorism. Maybe Mod Organizer (or something else) messed up the permissions of the files/folder.? Try logging into your computer as an Administrator, moving the entire Skyrim folder somewhere else (just in case you need it later), then installing Skyrim from scratch via Steam and see how that works.The most important status update since the beginning of russian invasion.Īs many of you know, I'm Ukrainian. It could be possible it is one of these isuses, but again i'm unsure how to proceed.Īlso it is not in reference to any of my installed mods, so please, don't suggest that haha. I've recently been fiddling around with ENBs, and also recently installed Mod Organiser. Attempt to put SKSE into my NMM and play it through that. Gain complete adminstritive rights to the Skyrim Folder (Same issue, i "don't have permission regardless"). I have tried the following solutions to no result Retry or try again, or ignore to skip this file." (x86)/Steam/Steamapps/common/Skyrim/skseloader.exe When i attempt to either copy/paste or extract the exe. file for SKSE has disseapeared outside of my Skyrim Directory folder, and upon reinstalling SKSE i am unable to place it back in the directory folder for reasons unknown. Unfortunetly for me, for whatever reason the exe. So i've recently run into an error when starting up Skyrim with SKSE.